Save the Date: February 26, 2025: A Fresh Look: Reassessing an International Bank’s Sanctions Compliance Program

February 26, 2025 Webcast
Presented by AIBACP and Guidepost Solutions LLC

Guidepost Solutions LLC:
A Fresh Look: Reassessing an International Bank’s Sanctions Compliance Program
Wednesday, February 26, 2025, 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. EST
Microsoft TEAMS link to follow
Please note: Participants may want to consider joining from their personal devices to avert connectivity issues.
How do you know if your Sanctions Compliance Program (SCP) is really working? Can financial
organizations afford to find out the hard way- when violations with major penalties are imposed as regulators
uncover management’s failure to invest in the right people, execute with clear roles, identify effective
processes and implement cutting-edge technology that filters, freezes and reports targeted assets?
What if they’re not working- how would you know? Don’t find out the hard way. Join us for our upcoming
webinar with Eric Young, Senior Managing Director, Guidepost Solutions LLC  as he guides us through
an enhanced, robust approach reminding audit and compliance professionals of the importance of
employing the key pillars of an SCP, ”the forest” rather than relying solely on lists, “the weeds”.
Members may register as follows: sign-in on the website and select
“Upcoming Events” from the drop-down menu.
Non-members who wish to attend may apply for membership on the website.
Agenda to follow.
CPE Credit
1 CPE Credit will be awarded to members attending the live webcast.
Renew your membership for 2025 on the website
Eric Young is also former global chief compliance officer (CCO) with JP Morgan, CIBC, and S&P Global Ratings, as well as regional CCO with NatWest, UBS, and
BNP Paribas.